The feet are among the most neglected parts of the body, which is a shame as they are responsible for carrying us around. The neglecting of the feet can lead to foot inflammation and pain that can become pretty severe if left untreated. Luckily for you, we have 10 simple foot exercises that will strengthen your feet tendons and muscles and help you walk without pain again.
Foot pain is a common problem for millions of people around the world. It can be pretty severe and can have a profound negative impact on your overall well-being. However, the foot exercises you can see below will relieve the pain in your feet, strengthen your muscles and joints and help you move freely again.
Toe stretch
Wearing inappropriate footwear can cramp and pull the ligaments and joints at the top of your feet, resulting in severe foot pain. Put your fingers between your toes and tug them slowly, while rolling your ankle gently as well. This will mobilize the joints in your feet and loose the plantar fascia, the connective tissue which supports the soles of your feet. The toe stretching will help you walk and stand without pain again.
Arch massage
Every muscle in the body is connected by a network of tendons and ligaments which can easily get inflamed, limiting your movement and creating a host of problems. However, you can do a simple arch massage with a tennis ball that will loosen the ligaments, tendons and muscle in your feet and relieve the pain. To do it, simply put a tennis ball on the ground, then roll your feet over it. This will relieve the pressure in your feet muscles and improve the flexibility of your feet and hips.
Foot flex
Sit down on the ground and spread out your toes, while arching them backwards as much as you can. If you can�t do this with your feet, use your hands, but don�t stretch too much so it hurts. The foot flex will prevent spasms and cramps and reinforce the muscles in your feet, helping you walk freely again and lowering back pain as well.
Toe lift
Put your feet on the ground and lift your toes off it, while moving the heels and balls of your feet � the stretch might be painful for some people, but it will strengthen the muscles along your calf and relieve the pain in your feet and back.
Foot roll
To do the foot roll, stand on the ground with flat and parallel feet, then roll one on the outer edge and rest your whole weight lightly on that foot. This stretch will mobilize your ankle joints and reduce knee and joint pain. Once you�re done with one foot, repeat the foot roll with the other.
Stand upright on the ground and lift yourself on your tiptoes, keeping the position for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise for 10 times, and hold yourself on to something for better balance. This incredible exercise will stretch your feet and reinforce and tone your lower legs, improving your balance and strengthening your core in the process. It will also relieve the muscle and back pain you�ve been having trouble with.
Toe tapping
Stand on the ground and rest your weight on the inner arch of your foot and big toes, then lift all of them except for the big toe off the ground. Next, roll slowly to the outer edge of your feet. This exercise will �teach� your foot how to arch properly and improve it, helping you walk naturally again and improving your posture as well.
This exercise will be familiar to dancers. Sit on the ground and stretch the feet in front, then put them together and bend your knees. Flex your feet gently and stretch them, then draw the feet in a tight point and arch them. Repeat the exercise 10 times every day to strengthen your feet, leg and thigh muscles.
Put your feet firmly on the ground and scrunch your toes as much as you can. Now, release them and repeat the exercise for 10 times � if you need better support, put a folded towel just beneath your feet. The toe curls may look silly, but they can easily deal with foot pain as well as plantar fasciitis, while also improving your posture and balance.
Ankle circles
Stand upright on the floor and grab a chair for better balance, then lift one foot off the floor and start rotating the ankle gently. Repeat the exercise 10 times per side. This simple exercise will relax the connective tissue in your feet and strengthen your joints and muscles, effectively reducing foot pain and improving your stability and balance. It�s also a great way of warming up your feet muscles before running or cycling.
10 Foot Exercises That Reveal Everything About Your Health
Reviewed by Ajnabi

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