There is no person in this world who wants to deal with stiff joints and arthritis because these 2 conditions prevent you from performing the daily activities.
There are diverse arthritis types. However, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are the most common ones. The first one occurs as a result of an inflammation in the tissue that protects the joints (synovial membrane), while the latter occurs as a result of wearing down of the cartilage between the bones.
Therefore, if you deal with arthritis pain, the following 10 remedies will reduce the stiff pain and joints significantly!
Give Your Body A Magnesium Boost
Magnesium is an essential nutrient that prevents joint pains. Even though the body needs magnesium so much, it is not able to produce it, meaning that you should give your body a magnesium boost in so to relax nerve endings and to relieves joint pain. In order to achieve this, you need to eat more foods rich in magnesium such as spinach and leafy greens or take a magnesium bath.
Lubricate Your Joint with Oil
EVOO or extra virgin olive oil is commonly used to provide arthritis pain relief. Scientists provide that EVOO contains enzymes that can fight inflammation. Taking � tbsp. of it will give you the same results as consuming 200 mg of ibuprofen. At the same time, you can apply EVOO topically so to relieve joint pain by rubbing the oil on the sore joints directly.
Dandelion Leaves
Dandelion leaves are rich in vitamins C and A which cleanse the liver and repair the damaged tissue. Studies proved that dandelion leaves have potent anti-inflammatory characteristics. The best way to consume them is to make a tea. Just steep 3 tsp. of dandelion leaves in a cup of boiling water and let it steep for about 10 minutes. Then, strain and drink twice a day.
Blackstrap Molasses Drink
Besides it provides the body with magnesium, blackstrap molasses are extremely rich in calcium and potassium that contribute to the bone and muscle pains relief. Just add 1 tsp. of it in 1 glass of water and drink. Do it on a daily basis and you will see the improvements within 7 days.
White Willow Tea
For centuries, this herbal tea was used for the purpose of the medicine. Its main active ingredient, salicin, is converted into salicylic acid, which is in fact, the main active ingredient in aspirin. In 1 cup of boiling water steep 2 tsp. of the bark in it and let it stay for 10 minutes. Strain before drinking.
For people who deal with joint pain, exercising can be really tough and challenging. But, moving around and being physically active protect the joints and strengthen the muscles. As soon as you get rid of the joint pain, start doing exercises on a regular basis in order to increase your flexibility and to build more muscles. Begin with 15-minutes-walk.
Juniper Berry Tea
Juniper berry tea is packed with terpinene-4-ol, which is a compound suppressing the monocytes development (white blood cell). This reduces joint pain that occurred as a result of inflammation. Just steep 1 tbsp. of juniper berry in 1 cup of boiling water, strain, and drink twice on a daily basis.
Golden Raisins
The following remedy was a popular home remedy for more than 15 years, although there is no clear scientific evidence to back up its potential and effectiveness. People who have used it, say that golden raisins are extremely beneficial because it helped them to get rid of the joint pain. Preparation: Take a shallow dish and put 1 cup of golden raisins in it. Then, pour � cup of gin over them and cover the dish with a towel. Put it in a dark place and let it stay there for 14 days until the gin completely evaporates. Then, consume it to get rid of the joint pain.
Boswellia Supplements
Boswellia, a flowering plant which reduces inflammation, can prevent swelling and can relieve the pain and inflammation. In order to get rid of the pain, consume Boswellia in a form of supplements.
Turmeric and Ginger Tea
Ginger tea and turmeric mixture is used for the treatment of numerous health problems. This combination can relieve a headache and pain, reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation, lower the high blood pressure, and improve the digestion. To make a tea, in 2 cups of boiling water, add � tsp. of ginger (ground) and � Tsp. turmeric (ground) and leave it to steep for 10 minutes. Then, strain and drink.
Treat Arthritis and Stiff Joints Once and For All
Reviewed by Ajnabi

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