One of the most favorable and effective natural ingredients is turmeric. It is often used as a natural home remedy, but it finds its place in the cosmetic and culinary world as well.
However, turmeric may come along with a few side-effects, especially in people taking certain medications while consuming turmeric at the same time.
So, the next time you think turmeric is a great idea, make sure you are not also taking some of the below-mentioned drugs.
Turmeric is highly healthy for the human organism and can prevent colds, the flu, inflammation and viruses in no time.
The reason it is so beneficial is because of curcumin, a compound found in turmeric which is beyond healthy for the human organism. This compound offers potent anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-thrombotic qualities, which keep the body operative and strong.
Turmeric found its place in the alternative medicine, and people who do not enjoy taking over-the-counter drugs, turn to this amazing product for help.
However, there are also people who use turmeric as treatment but still consume some drugs in order to increase the effect.
Therefore, it is smart to know when not to combine the two and steer away from additional health risks. For example, turmeric is a natural anti-thrombotic remedy, so blood-thinning medicines, like aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin, or clopidogrel (Plavix) are out of the question.
If someone does take the two at the same time, the risk of bleeding out is very possible.
Other drugs that don�t go well with turmeric are blood sugar reducing drugs. This is mainly because, if you combine the two, you might experience rise in the blood sugar levels. Aside from this, many people have experienced impaired vision, delirium, poor cognitive function, anxiety, and distraught as well.
Turmeric can, at times, cause allergic reactions. Some examples of this are rashes, hives and loss of breath.
Keep in mind that turmeric is not to be combined with drugs that are used to decrease the stomach acid. If this happens, you might experience nausea, stomachache n, bloating, and esophagus issues.
The drugs you need to avoid in this case are Omeprazole, Famotidine (Pepcid), Cimetidine (Tagamet), and Ranitidine (Zantac).
Make sure to stay educated and learn the benefits but also risks of turmeric, when it is combined with other drugs. You might need to find a balance between the two, or pick one side and stick to it, just to stay healthy.
Make Sure You Never Use Turmeric If You Take Any Of The Following Medications
Reviewed by Ajnabi

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