Proper and healthy food has become one of the most important problem in the modern world. Lifestyle and routines in modern families with both working parents, disables the mother and father devote the necessary time for the daily healthy meals.
Each of us, lucky to be raised by unemployed mothers and grandmothers, knows the value of carefully prepared meal.
Human health, efficiency, mood and creativity are related with the food we consume every day. Proper and healthy food helps the individual to cope more easily with life�s difficulties, and offers protection of many physical and mental illnesses.
Healthy eating provides more regular physical and spiritual development of children, and more joy and love for each other.
It has always been known that, what we eat is what we are, because everything on our planet has its own vibration and impact on the environment. Hence, what we consume influences the function of our entire system, our thoughts and feelings, behavior, attitude towards the whole life and of course, our health.
Even the famous Greek physician Hippocrates said, �Your food shall be your medicine.� Modern medicine, after decades of research came to the conclusion that the cause of many illnesses is the nutrition.
Healthy food is food that does not contain too much preservatives, fat (especially animal origin fats), and is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals � the plant-based food, fruit, whole grains and seeds. �And God said, Behold, I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food�, was written in the First Book of Moses, called Genesis (Genesis 1:29).
Healthy eating means eating simple and organic and healthy diet means moderate eating, not too fast and voraciously, but to be aware of the health benefits of the food we consume every day, and making a balance, so the food is not too cold or too hot, too salty or too spicy�
Eating various foods, but properly combined, is essential for proper nutrition. Normal and healthy body function requires consuming all ingredients necessary for the cell renewal in proper quantities.
If we were able to meet and follow our body�s needs, we could avoid illnesses and fast aging. By consuming unhealthy food we poison and destroy our body unconsciously, we shorten its natural function and health span.
Proper diet means following the appropriate meal time and not to eat uncontrollably, at any time, without any thinking. However, you should not skip the meals and bring the body into a state of malnutrition, because it can lead to destruction of certain brain cells, unstable nervous system and reduction of the body resistance.
Remember: Health comes from your mouth, you are what you eat!
Eat Healthy
Reviewed by Ajnabi

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