I guess that many of your wisdom teeth have already been gone, right? This is because we have trust in our dentists, believing that they are professionals who know how to do their job.
Well, the thing here is that maybe we are wrong about this. This article will focus on the importance of wisdom teeth. Even though we have been told that wisdom teeth should be extracted because they are not really necessary, after reading this article you may want to reconsider your decision.
Wisdom teeth are the furthest back teeth, also known as the Third Molars. In most cases, they appear in the late teens or early twenties. The American Journal of Public Health published a report which claims that 67% of preventive wisdom teeth removals are not needed. In other words, only 20 out of 10 million wisdom teeth extractions in America annually proved to be necessary. What is more, it was proven that all the suggestions that wisdom teeth cause various illnesses are not true.
What I�m trying to say is that the extraction of wisdom teeth is a huge business for the dental industry (a billion dollars a year).
Dr. Weston A. Price examined the connection between oral health and diseases in the 1900s. He discovered that none of the native tribes which followed their traditional diets had experienced tooth decay. As you can see, nutrition is of utmost importance for dental and overall health. Fortunately, nowadays holistic dentists are aware of the fact that supplying enough nutrients to the jaw bone during its development will make all 32 teeth to have enough spice in the mouth without crowding. In other words, to maintain the optimal health of your wisdom teeth, you will need to have a proper nutrition.
In addition, Dr. Weston Price also discovered that the condition of the perfect healthy teeth of these tribes quickly deteriorated once they started consuming sugar and white flour. It was also found out that more than two-thirds of all wisdom tooth removals are medically unnecessary, which means that even if they do not remove these teeth, most patients, most patients will be perfectly fine.
The teeth are extremely important, living organs connected to the body. For more than 5000 years, the Traditional Chinese Medicine shows how important is the relationship between your teeth and your vertebrae, spinal segments, joints, organs, and endocrine glands. It is said that the wisdom teeth are related to the front of our pituitary gland and to our small intestine.
It is considered that 46% of the motor and sensory nerves in the cerebral cortex of your brain are interconnected to your face and mouth. So, the removal of a tooth can disturb and break an acupuncture meridian that flows through that tooth�s area.
What is more, the extraction can be extremely dangerous. Even though this procedure is commonly practiced, wisdom tooth extraction imposes many serious risks which can cause sudden death. This is even proved by the fact that between 57,000 and 175,000 people after wisdom teeth removal have experienced permanent tingling, numbness or prickling caused by nerve damage. This clearly indicates that our teeth are connected to every part of the body via nervous system pathways.
As you can see, we highly recommend you not to perform the removal of wisdom teeth unless you have a good reason to do so!
Wisdom Teeth Dental Scam & Why You Need Your Wisdom Teeth
Reviewed by Ajnabi

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