The way our body manages to run itself is nothing short of fascinating. At the same time, it can keep control over millions of processes which all seem to be happening independently. And yet, it is like there is an established balance between all of them. And we hardly even notice!
However, nothing is perfect, and whenever something stops running smoothly your body makes sure to let you know, one way or the other, that there is a disruption in the system.
Unfortunately, most of us hardly notice those too, and even if we do, we have a very bad tendency to ignore them.
Something we should never do, as it can lead to further complications to one�s health. So, to make things easier for you, here is a list of symptoms which you cannot and should not ignore. They are basically your body�s equivalent of a cry for help.
10 Things You Must Pay Attention To
1. Brittle Nails and Hair
They are an indication that you lack vitamin D, as well as calcium. Naturally, brittle nails and hair just mean you need to consume more vitamin D-rich and calcium-rich foods. An example of which includes: milk, legumes, potatoes, wheat germ and whole grains.
2. Craving for Seafood
There are many types of food cravings and each of them means something different. In this case, your desire for seafood might mean that your body lacks iodine.
3. Craving for Sour Food
If you find yourself craving after sour foods for no apparent reason, it can only mean that your liver and gallbladder need supplementary stimulation. The best thing to do is simply consume more cranberries and lemons.
4. Craving for Raw Food
If, on the other hand, you constantly crave foods of the raw variety, chances are you have liver issues. It might also indicate gastritis. In which case you should satisfy your cravings by eating a raw food diet. Doing so has been proven to relieve any cramps and soothe your stomach pain.
5. Craving for Something Sweet
If you find yourself craving sweets on a regular basis, it can only mean you suffer from nervous exhaustion a.k.a. you�re tired. Your need for sugar is actually a need for glucose, which is a source of energy.
In this case, instead of reaching for those unhealthy variants, why not satisfy your sweet tooth with some honey or dark chocolate instead.
6. Craving Salty Food
As unexpected as it sounds, craving foods that are high in salt content can often indicate an inflammation or infection in your body. Usually, this revolves around the urogenital system.
7. Dry Skin on Your Elbows
This is usually an indicator that you�re deficient in vitamins C and A.To mend this problem, you�d be wise to consume more carrots, pumpkin, oranges and apricots. Consuming any fruits and vegetables would help, but the above-mentioned four are the best for this issue.
8. Dry Skin in General
If you feel you have dry skin all over your body, it could very well indicate a deficiency in vitamin E. In which case, the best thing to do would be to consume more vitamin E-rich foods such as vegetable oils, oily fish, and nuts.
9. Bleeding Gums
Like all problems concerning your teeth, bleeding gums are usually a sign that you lack vitamin C. An easy fix is to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet, especially garlic.
10. Leg Cramps, Poor Sleep, Irritability
All the above-mentioned symptoms are your body�s way of warning you that you lack potassiumand magnesium. The easiest and healthiest way to increase your potassium levels is to eat more leafy greens, such as kale, spinach, and chard.
On the other hand, if you wish to improve your magnesium levels you�d to best to eat more sunflower, almonds, linseed and nuts in general.
There you have it, the ten most important signals your body can send you in the case of an emergence in its functioning.
If you pay attention to them and actually do something about them, which, as you�ve seen, is not hard at all, you�d be doing both your health and yourself a huge favor, to be sure.
10 Signs Your Body Alerts You Something Is Wrong!
Reviewed by Ajnabi

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