There is an assumption that calcium is the key to healthy bones. However, in reality, calcium is just another mineral which is necessary for strong bones.
The key to strong bones may be in dietary admission of magnesium, as indicated by recent research.
The Truth about Calcium Supplements
It is a common understanding that calcium strengthens the bones and needs to be utilized. Practically our opinion on calcium and its importance is founded on the old myths that it is critical for strong teeth and bones. However, how important calcium actually is?
According to a research from 2004, people with extra calcium in their coronary arteries face an increased risk of 17% of having a heart attack compared to those whose calcium levels were lower. Scientists concluded that calcium accumulation and LDL levels are the two risk factors of heart attacks.
Another research from 2007 showed that calcium from dietary sources is way better for postmenopausal women that calcium from supplements.
A meta-analysis from 2010 showed that calcium supplements are related with increased risk of a heart attack.
The NOF (National Osteoporosis Foundation) said that food is definitely the best source of calcium, and that those who get their daily intake from foods, do not need to take supplementation. However, they might need to take vitamin D supplements. The risk of kidney stones and more health issues is increased by getting too much calcium from supplements.
Calcium supplementation has been widely accepted by the public and medical community, on the grounds that they are safe and critical for preventing fractures.
Nevertheless, nowadays, it has become crystal clear that taking calcium as supplement does not produce the same effects as getting calcium from dietary sources.
Most calcium supplements available on the market these days contain a secondary type of calcium (calcium carbonate), and makers add chelating agents to make the supplement more absorbable. Nevertheless, the final product is a second rate product.
The dairy business promotes the myth that consuming pasteurized dairy items such as cheese or milk improves calcium levels. However, this is not true. Throughout the purification process, calcium carbonate is created, and it does not enter the cells if there is no chelating agent present.
The Importance of Magnesium
Professor Steven Abrams and his colleagues from the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston discovered that ingestion and admission of magnesium in youth are main indicators of bone thickness and bone mineral substance. However, dietary calcium was not related with these measures.
Intake of dietary magnesium is important and it can be a factor in accretion in bone mineral in children, though it is relatively unrecognized.
There are various nutrients which are critical for children�s healthy bones. One of those nutrients is magnesium. Calcium is important, but it looks like that magnesium may be more important.
Scientists said that parents have given their word that their children will have a decent intake of calcium in order to build sound and strong bones.
Abrams and his team said that parents will soon be asked to give their word that their children will have a decent intake of magnesium as well.
More serious intake of magnesium is connected with higher thickness of the bone mineral in both, men and women.
Magnesium Supplementation
The ideal ratio for calcium and magnesium is 1:1, and this has been true for centuries. A ratio which is around 2:1 is considered satisfactory (800 mg of calcium and 400 mg of magnesium).
Magnesium can be found in a number of structures. Magnesium chloride or oxide is accepted, and also chelated magnesium.
Moreover, you can try a magnesium and calcium supplement. The RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for magnesium is from 350 to 400 mg a day. However, the ideal level could be twice as much.
Magnesium can be taken with meals or on an empty stomach.
Moreover, you can add Epsom Salt to your baths. The skin is going to absorb the magnesium.
One percent of the magnesium content in the body is found in the blood and in case that levels drop, the body is going to get it from tissues and bones.
The best sources of magnesium are dietary sources. Some of the richest sources of magnesium are nuts, seeds and cacao.
Magnesium is the Key to Healthy Bones
Reviewed by Ajnabi

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