Despite the fact that the world is overwhelmed with medical advancements and new, improved techniques of keeping as healthy as possible, we somehow do not manage to use these methods to the best of their ability.
Maybe we are forced to believe the effects of these meds, but they do not actually work. Recently a shocking link between vaccines and cancer has been discovered, and we now know what �worse� means.
Lethal consequences
During the past year a total of six doctors, specializing in holistic medicine, went on the search for the true effects of vaccines and were never found again. The timeframe between each disappearance and/or death was only one month.
The story begins on June 19th, 2015. Dr. Bradstreet was the first to be found with a fatal chest wound from a gunshot. According to the investigation, this was a suicide. However, family claims the doctor was never, ever suicidal.
Two days later, two other doctors from Florida, Dr. Holt and Dr. Hedendal�s bodies were found not showing signs of lives. The circumstances were, again, suspicious. So far, the family and friends have not received the entire outcome of the investigation.
The very same day another doctor went missing after going out for a walk. His name was Dr. Whiteside.
Finally, Dr. Fitzpatrick was the last in the row to go missing on July 3rd. He was on his way to Montana, all the way from North Dakota at this period. Although his truck was located, no signs of him were discovered until this day.
The doctors have one thing in common- their medical findings were more than appalling.
What the doctors found was a certain enzyme that has been used in vaccines and is known to cause cancer. The name of the enzyme is nagalese and it represents a natural byproduct of cancer cells.
It absorbs the vitamin D from the human organism, which is actually essential for the human body in the fight against cancer and other diseases.
The disappearances of the doctors came at the perfect time- just before they were ready to announce the breaking revelations about the vaccines.
The one doctor who did reveal this discovery was Dr. Ted Broer.
He and his team were having some �difficulties� with the broadcast, but finally made it, after which he stated:
�I am in no way suicidal.�
It is only natural that the doctor would fear the fate of the other five, who have either been killed or gone missing in the attempt to bring this finding into the light.
Here, you can watch the video of the doctor�s broadcast.
As David Wolfe also says, vaccines should be a matter of choice! The video below from his Facebook page shows him speaking on the subject.
5 Doctors Dead or Missing After Discovering This About Vaccines!
Reviewed by Ajnabi

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